< Research Reports

Teacher training and climate education

In February 2021, the Teach the Future campaign (supported by SOS-UK) asked teachers in England about their experiences of training on climate education, either during qualification or during their careers to date. The research was carried out through the Teacher Tapp research app, with over 7500 teachers responding.

Responding to the question 'Do you feel you've received adequate training as a teacher, during qualification or since, to educate students on climate change, its implications for the environment and societies around the world, and how these implications can be addressed?', teachers told us:

  • 70% say they haven't received training on any aspects of climate change
  • When taking into account differences in teacher length of experience, there is little variation, with around 70% saying they haven't received any training
  • Senior teachers (including head teachers) are more likely to report receiving training on climate education compared to classroom teachers
  • Experience of adequate training is similar across all types of school funding, however state primary teachers report accessing training less frequently
  • The training teachers have experienced is similar across different types of school governance however teachers based in large multi-academy trusts are most likely to have received at least some training
  • Humanities and Science subjects are more likely to say they have experienced adequate training regarding climate change and sustainability than all other subjects and key stage levels


Teach the Future - Teacher training on climate education - 2021